Equality Downers Grove – One Book, One Town Celebration

I particpate in a local organization in my community, Equality Downers Grove (EQDG). One of my favorite events of the year is its One Book, One Town (OBOT) celebration. The community is encouraged to read a book, then come together to discuss, learn, and to support one another. This year, the event organizers chose Laurie Frankel’s This Is How It Always Is.

I’m honored to participate as a discussion leader on the evening we gather for a community chat about the novel. Below are two links; one to an article about OBOT, and the other a page where you can find all of the OBOT events and sign up to attend them! Sign up is required but super easy.

Events Link: EQDG Website for OBOT.

Article Link: One Book, One Town to Turn Fresh Page in Downers Grove.

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