Happy Halloween

I adopted a new system for doing publicity, which includes when I write occasional blog updates and bits of information to post on my website you. Alas, I am telling you that because, obviously, the new system’s approach to my poor website blog has failed . . .

I know this will be super exciting to you – I tweaked the system and hope to keep up with my blog moving forward. Cross your fingers. 🙂

In the meantime, enjoy October and the approach of Halloween. One of my favorite traditions at our current house is owl spotting on the morning walk/jog with the dogs. This is the time of year when we start to hear them regularly because of when we wake up, how the sun is coming up later, and – of course – the owl’s historic relationship to Halloween. Guess what?! As I was thinking about writing a Happy Halloween blog today, the dogs and I not only heard the owls this morning, we spotted one! Woot! Or should I say, Hoot!

Happy Halloween, everyone!!!

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