Oscar Best Picture Rankings 2025

I begin my 2025 Oscar Best Picture rankings with my traditional disclaimer: I have no expertise regarding the Oscars whatsoever. Paul and I started watching every Best Picture nominee sometime in the mid-1990s. I am therefore an amateur enthusiast. My venturing into this territory is as a hobby! Here then, in my non-expert opinion that I inflict upon you anyway, is my official ranking from 10 to 1 of this year’s Best Picture nominees for the Academy Awards!

Category 1: This Should Never Have Been Made

10 – “The Substance”: This was the first time I can remember that I almost stopped watching a Best Picture nominee. I had to fight to watch the entire thing. Not only did this land easily at #10, it was one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life, and not just among Best Picture nominees. Listen, I like horror, obviously! This movie was too putrid to even give it more space in my blog. The horror is in the fact someone wrote and made this thing.

Category 2: Valiant Effort

9 – “Nickel Boys”: I wanted to love this movie. The novel is exceptional. However, the attempt to do an artsy innovation with camera POV fell flat for me; it was confusing, at times dizzying, and a miss. Telling the story more traditionally would have honored the novel and the impactful statement of the narrative. The movie tried too hard, unfortunately.

Category 3: Very Good Movies

The movies in this category were worth viewing. They are solid productions! However, they fall just below the top category for me. Despite their accomplishments, they are a stitch below what I consider a worthy Best Picture nominee.

8 – “A Complete Unknown”: Does every movie created about a famous singer, in which an actor morphs into said singer for the role, need to be nominated for an Oscar? The Academy clearly shouts, yes! I say, meh. This was a typical biopic in that regard for me. The acting was very, very solid and the story well told. I went into this movie unenthusiastically. I’m not a Bob Dylan fan, and he can be an ass. In fact, the movie only confirmed those feelings for me. However, I was pleasantly surprised with the pace and overall value of the movie. There are relatable characters and charming moments. The movie was well done.

7 – “Dune: Part Two”: I am loving the “Dune” series and super excited for the last installment to come out! And the second movie was entertaining. I very much enjoyed it. However, it also felt very much like a bridge movie. The tale in Part One is powerful, and I think Part Three will be a thrill! Part Two is carrying us through a major transition in the story. It’s good but not quite a Best Picture nominee.

6 – “The Brutalist”: Full disclosure, before I get started: I am generally not a fan of super long-ass movies. I always feel like they could be easily cutdown to a normal length. This one was no exception to that rule. We watched at home, thankfully, so we could have a few breaks, but no story is so incredible you need an intermission. Stop. It’s called editing. That being said, this is a stark telling of a tale with a number of powerful elements. I am impressed with its being able to comment on art, artists, the Holocaust, prejudice, greed, wealth disparity, hate, addiction, loss, love, and being human in one well-crafted story. The acting from top to bottom was absolutely top notch.

Category 4: Worthy Best Picture Nominees

This was an unusual year for me. I don’t often come away thinking this many of the movies actually deserved a nomination. Also, I had a hard time coming up with my final ranking of these films. In fact, I’d be happy and understand if any one of these won. I’d appreciate if my #5 won, as much as I’ll be happy if my #1 wins. Still, I promised a ranking from 1o to 1, so here goes!

5 – “Conclave”: A thriller without a ton of action is hard to accomplish, but here we are with a relatively dialogue-heavy story that keeps you on the edge of your seat and guessing. The acting is superb! There are important messages woven into the story about power, ethics, morality, and personal identity. In particular, you see the good, bad, and ugly of the power of the Catholic Church. Men in dresses trying to be macho often lose their minds. I hadn’t read the novel, so the twist was a surprise I did not know was coming.

4 – “Wicked”: One of my inner-voices is screaming at me for placing “Wicked” here and not higher. Note: I love the novel, and very much appreciate the musical. Of course, the novel is more powerful in its darkness and commentary on society. They cleaned up and cheered up the story for the musical, but I do very much like it, too. Yet I meandered off to the movie with a lot of skepticism. I wondered if they REALLY had to split the musical into two movies (I’m still not convinced – we’ll see); I worried they would muck up the story even more to make a compelling movie; and too often musicals turned into movies don’t do it for me – I love musicals and I love movies, but the combination often leaves me unable to suspend reality and have fun. Whatever – that’s a strange personal quirk. I was surprised, then, that this movie blew me away. I loved the adaptation, the singing was marvelous, and the additions from the musical to the movie were brilliant! I especially liked how they they got Kristin and Idina into it. The universe creating was also very well done. This is a “pop” movie well deserving of the nod.

Things got really murky in my world with trying to pick 3 to 1 . . .

3 – “Anora”: This is brilliantly done! A comedy wrapped in a tragedy as a story about people. The acting here is maybe the best of the movies – at least on par with “Conclave” and “The Brutalist.” The statement on greed and wealth is palpable. Madison is so convincing with her character, playing the ups and downs and insanity of this narrative, yet pulling you in to care about where she lands in the end. Borisov is stunning – he conveys ten million emotions and evolves through the movie in a profound way, without speaking very much at all. The movie transports you into an insane world without losing your grip on reality. It’s a powerful statement and, yeah, makes you laugh along the way. Much like life itself.

The next movie requires a prefatory note: I know about the myriad of controversies haunting this movie. However, I approach my rankings the same way I approach grading my college students’ exams. I grade on the merit of the essay, as blind as possible. If you are a nice, sweet student, I can’t give you an A if you don’t earn it. Or, if you’re a complete shithead, I can’t flunk you even though I’d love to – if you earned an A. This ranking is not a commentary on where I stand with the turmoils – the many, many, of them. That will remain private – and in my mind quite complicated. I’m just telling you about my movie watching experience.

2 – “Emilia Perez”: This movie represents a triumph of innovation and daring in storytelling. I wondered how such a dark storyline could be a musical without it being weird, and yet they pulled it off with remarkable success. The songs become an inner dialogue – they convey emotion that might otherwise be lost. The acting is very good, the pace of the movie is excellent, and weaving you into a world of a lot of violence and hatred is done without making people totally evil. The way the world turns gray is a true testament to reality. The characters grapple with this truth about their place in the world and their actions. A lot of years, this would have been my best picture overall. Except . . .

1 – “I’m Still Here”: in a year with a lot of great acting, especially in the Best Actress category, Torres blew me away. She carries this movie from start to finish. This movie could be hard to watch, as I sit in a country also spiraling into authoritarianism. You get a window into everyday people in the grip of terror, clinging to their lives and loves despite the turmoil around them. Paiva’s will to protect her family and survive, while struggling to improve the world around her, is amazing. She is flawed yet endearing; lost but finding a way. The true-story plays like a suspense, keeping you wondering and in tense fear throughout. This movie is my Best Picture for this year’s Oscars. It was a close call, but I kept coming back to the stunning tale, well told, brilliantly acted. It will rip out your heart and then help you find the means to heal and push onward.

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Equality Downers Grove – One Book, One Town Celebration

I particpate in a local organization in my community, Equality Downers Grove (EQDG). One of my favorite events of the year is its One Book, One Town (OBOT) celebration. The community is encouraged to read a book, then come together to discuss, learn, and to support one another. This year, the event organizers chose Laurie Frankel’s This Is How It Always Is.

I’m honored to participate as a discussion leader on the evening we gather for a community chat about the novel. Below are two links; one to an article about OBOT, and the other a page where you can find all of the OBOT events and sign up to attend them! Sign up is required but super easy.

Events Link: EQDG Website for OBOT.

Article Link: One Book, One Town to Turn Fresh Page in Downers Grove.

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Current Writing

I occasionally update my current works in progress. I am super excited to plug away on them – and hope to one day share them with all of you!

The Easter Bunny Is a Werewolf – this sequel to Santa Is a Vampire is pretty much done. I’m in the phase of seeking a publisher, so please cross your fingers!

The Day Aliens Invaded Earth – first, this is a tentative title. I’m not thrilled with the title, but it’s all my mind has right now. I am thrilled about this YA suspense/thriller/romance/sci fi horror tale! This manuscript is done and polished, ready to start its journey toward finding a publisher. It’s Young Adult, so I am researching where to send it, since I only have one other YA book. I need to gather more information.

Untited – I am rewriting a Fairytale as a YA novel. But that’s all I can tell you at the moment!

The Day Aliens Invaded Earth II – yeah, I know. I don’t even have the first one signed with a publisher yet. In anticipation I will receive good news one day, and because I had envisioned it as at least a two book series from the beginning, I am starting on this one already.

The Sorcerer – this is actually where I am spending a majority of my time. I set this story in the future, after the earth is destroyed, most of humanity is killed off, and magic emerges among certain sorcerers. It’s dystopian, to match my current mood, and about the Sorcerer’s struggle to come to terms with human awfulness and to find his place in the world.

Thanks for checking out what I am doing right now!!

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Podcast Appearance!

I had an amazing chat on Living the Next Chapter Podcast, about life as an author, my books, and especially the journey toward publishing Witch In the Wind! Check it out here!

Link to the Podcast: Damian Serbu Chat!

Youtube Version: Damian Serbu Chat!

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History in Witch In the Wind

A number of people have asked the following question at my appearances or via email. I therefore decided to make a quick post to give everyone the answer, since it seems to be on people’s minds.

The question: is the history contained in Witch In the Wind accurate?

The quick answer: Yes. Absolutely.

While we’re at it, go ahead and buy a copy to learn this history for yourself! Witch In the Wind Buy Link!!!

As many of you know, I have a Ph.D. in history. When I set novels in the past, I am meticulous about being as accurate as possible. Yes, I am aware that vampires, witches, and magic did not exist in history. I want the context, however, to accurately reflect the history. The French Revolution in The Vampire’s Angel, the Old South in The Vampire’s Quest, even the burning of Notre Dame Cathedral in The Vampire’s War include accurate descriptions of the era.

To prepare for Witch In the Wind, for example, I read at least ten books on pirate history. Therefore, the pirate governance, punishment, daily life, and warfare are rendered as close to the real history as possible, given that I wove magic into the mix.

As my mother once accused me: “you’re sneaky and made me learn some history in reading your novels.” Guilty as charged.

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Happy Halloween!!

As a speculative fiction/horror writer, I get pretty busy in September and October. Libraries, bookstores, and others ask we writers of chills and fears to help celebrate the lead up to Halloween. It’s been fun this year; I’ve been to several libraries, a couple bookstores, and held a book release party for Witch in the Wind in conjunction with the Halloween Party for the local activist group where I live, Equality Downers Grove.

I’ll be settling down soon, with fewer appearances and time to enjoy the holidays.

Before we turn the page on Halloween, however, I want to say Happy Halloween to all of you! The days are growing shorter. Many traditions believe(d) the gap between the living and dead shortens this time of year. I can’t wait to greet Trick-or-Treaters at my house! And I hope you will consider reading one of my tales of ghosts, witches, or vampires as part of your celebration, too!

Embrace the moment! Happy Halloween!!!

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Happy Halloween

I adopted a new system for doing publicity, which includes when I write occasional blog updates and bits of information to post on my website you. Alas, I am telling you that because, obviously, the new system’s approach to my poor website blog has failed . . .

I know this will be super exciting to you – I tweaked the system and hope to keep up with my blog moving forward. Cross your fingers. 🙂

In the meantime, enjoy October and the approach of Halloween. One of my favorite traditions at our current house is owl spotting on the morning walk/jog with the dogs. This is the time of year when we start to hear them regularly because of when we wake up, how the sun is coming up later, and – of course – the owl’s historic relationship to Halloween. Guess what?! As I was thinking about writing a Happy Halloween blog today, the dogs and I not only heard the owls this morning, we spotted one! Woot! Or should I say, Hoot!

Happy Halloween, everyone!!!

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Hey, Everyone! I wanted to share a list of upcoming appearances with you. There will be more to add later, but for now I will definitely be here:

Sept. 7th – The Starke County, Indiana Beyond the Book Festival 9:00-3:00 Central time.

Sept. 14th – Berwyn,m IL Public Library Book Fair, 10:00-2:00.

Sept. 28th – Glen Ellyn Library with the Chicago Chapter of the Horror Writers Association, 2:00-4:00.

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Reading Round Up

It’s been a busy summer. I haven’t kept up very well with updates about some of what I’ve been reading. Here’s a round up of a few recent reads I enjoyed:

DARK MOON, SHALLOW SEA by David Slayton: Slayton is one of my favorite authors!! I love the Adam Binder series, but, and this sounds like a betrayal, this new series might be even better. There are gods and goddesses here, with humans vying for control and power. There is love, longing, and loss. This is an epic fantasy and I couldn’t put it down. It’s not like anything I’ve read before in the genre, which is a Slayton hallmark: original, powerful, fun, and never disappointing.

BECOMING A QUEEN by Dan Clay: Don’t let the cover and basic concept fool you on this one! Yes, there is a young queer person coming to terms with their own desires and finding out about themselves, including what they love to wear. But at its heart, this novel is a tome about grief, coping, and living through the pain – it is so beautiful in this endeavor.

THE WITCH OF MARACOOR by Gregory Maguire: I am so happy Maguire returned to the Land of Oz: this last installment of the Another Day series is intense, magical, and lovely. If you’ve liked Wicked and its associated books, you have to read these, too!

THE SHOEMAKER’S MAGICIAN by Cynthia Pelayo: Pelayo is sneaky – yeah, this is an engrossing thriller/horror novel, with a mystery and plenty of horror angst. But she sneaks in a ton of fascinating and engaging Chicago history. A master story teller once again keeps you on edge. I did NOT see one of the major plot twists coming, which made this one even better.

BLACK WINGS BEATING BY Alex London: London’s originality is unmatched, with a fascinating story that is action packed and enchanting. There are a lot of unexpected twists and turns – I can’t wait to read the next one in this series!!!

PROXY by Alex London: A dystopian thriller with a gay main character, about a world even more divided by those who have and those who, well, are controlled by them. It’s dark but action packed and hopeful. Sweet and yet haunting.

AT THE EDGE OF THE UNIVERSE by Shaun David Hutchinson: Hutchinson throws you into a world with an unreliable narrator, but one with whom you relate and grow to love. Is the universe really shrinking? And why?! Discover the truth in this coming of age speculative fiction – and learn about growing up in the process.

YOUR LONELY NIGHTS ARE OVER by Adam Sass: What would you do if a serial killer haunted your hometown? Panic! And what happens if you and your friends have to find this killer who is hunting you because the adults are off the mark? Stir in teen angst and romance, and you have a great read by Sass!

WHAT I’D RATHER NOT THINK ABOUT by Jente Posthuma: A novel of grief, change, and finding yourself; this is a deep dive into emotion, beautifully written and translated.

WHY WE FIGHT by TJ Klune: This is a fun, romantic series by Klune. It’s super funny and enchanting.

FIND HIM WHERE YOU LEFT HIM DEAD by Kristen Simmons: This is a creative YA novel, where the characters endure a frightening descent into a game world. There is charm in the way they find themselves while striving to overcome friction and restore friendship.

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Book Trailer!

How about a sexy book trailer to get you in the mood to add Witch In the Wind to your summer reading list! Pirates, witches, and danger mingle with old and new love in Alexander’s daring adventure to survive. Buy it here: Witch In the Wind!!!

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