Greetings, Earthlings,
Beginning this post that way popped into my head because I’m writing a SciFy novel right now! Speaking of what I am writing and the latest news in that regard . . . I am starting a newsletter.
This is long overdue. I have been hesitant to undertake such a thing because of imposter syndrome, fear of technology, and the time-honored issue of, well, having time to do it! However, I understand this is a crucial way to communicate with people who are interested in my writing.
I will be sending a newsletter out once a month. I promise, you will not get something from me more than once a month. I’ll include writing updates, tidbits that pop into my mind, and of course, any new publications or information about appearances.
If you would like to sign up, please email your first and last name, as well as your email address, to DamianSerbu (@)