The Vampire’s Protege – More Reviews!

Hi, All,

As we find ourselves immersed in the holidays, don’t forget to buy those you love a copy of The Vampire’s Protege!! Even grandma needs a little gay vampire sex to liven up the season.

Speaking of Charon and the gang, here are a couple of recent news items about it (click the hyperlinks to read the entire story):

The Windy City Times, my hometown gay rag – reviewed it recently: “It’s a pity summer is over: The Vampire’s Protege is a fun beach read or sick day indulgence, and you will want to read more of this story as it continues.”

And! WHOO HOO! It received a 2017 Rainbow Awards honorable mention, as well as a flattering comparison to Anne Rice: “The central character, Charon, reminds me a lot of LeStat De Lioncourt – Anne Rice, with his bratty self, doing things his own way with disregard for the rules.”

Happy Holidays, everyone!!

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