THE VAMPIRE’S WAR and My Writing Stages

I wanted to let everyone know that I finished the first draft of The Vampire’s War! This novel will be the fifth installment in the Realm of the Vampire Council series! I am excited to enter the next phase with my vampires once again.

I enjoy reading how other authors go about their writing process, so thought I would share my methodology regarding The Vampire’s War with you.

Stage One: With my vampire novels, I first outline them. In the case of The Vampire’s War, I edited the outline until draft three felt ready to go.

Stage Two: Now I begin writing! Each time I return to the project, I revise whatever I wrote in my previous session. Also, when I complete a chapter, I edit the entire chapter one time before moving to the next one.

Stage Three: When I finish the manuscript as described in stage two, I edit the entire novel one time. For The Vampire’s War, this edit took a little more time than most of my novels because a major change happened in the middle of my writing. You see, the vampires decided to alter a key part of the outline about half way through my writing. I therefore had to be extra careful in editing to reflect this change in anything I wrote about before the vampires screwed with my outline. Fuckers – they love to mess with me.

Stage Four: This is where The Vampire’s War resides right now. I ship the draft off to my trusted beta readers. Time for them to find my mistakes and flaws, recommend changes, and then get the draft back to me so I can edit accordingly!

Once I finish tweaking The Vampire’s War with their suggestions I will cross my fingers and send it off to my publisher! Of course I will keep you posted.

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